3 Types of Media Assets Your CBD Brand Needs Right Now

CBD products are an inherently sensory experience, particularly as it grows to become increasingly linked with health and wellness. Visual content is essential in elevating your brand and drawing customers to your products. 

The three print and media assets that your CBD brand needs to stand out from the crowd include: promotional materials & marketing collateral, product packaging, and video & photography.


Digital marketing with quality visual assets are integral to the success of your marketing mix. However, print marketing is not a thing of the past. Particularly with CBD products and all the surrounding legislation, the original methods of print advertising from packaging design to promotional materials and marketing collateral can greatly boost the way you showcase your brand. 

Promotional materials and other collateral, such as business cards, brochures, direct mailings, flyers, posters, stationary, among many others are useful for building the brand at special events. 

For instance, the cannabis and CBD industry achieve a lot of exposure at tradeshows and conferences where professionals can share their work with one another. Events like these can leverage promotional materials, such as brochures and business cards, to increase brand awareness among their network. Industry events are also particularly useful for displaying physical products for potential partners or customers to interact with. 


Product packaging is one of the only tangible ways a consumer can engage with your brand. In the case of products that are sold in retail stores, it is also one of the most obvious ways for customers to identify your product. Creating packaging designs that feature a logo front and center or have a unique quality to the packaging itself is a great way to help consumers recognize your brand in the future. 

Something for CBD brands to pay particular attention to is the legislation surrounding cannabis and cannabis-related product packaging. States that allow for the sale of legal cannabis or CBD products have restrictions regarding their packaging and promotion. 

For instance, most states require certain warning labels and text to be legible on product packaging, with some laws being as specific as font type and size. Other states also prohibit neon or bright-colored packaging or imagery that appeals to children. 

In general, it is a good idea to check the legislation in your state or consult the National Cannabis Industry Association’s literature to understand the best practices for packaging your CBD products in your state. 


Media trends show that consumers have a preference for content that is quick and easy to digest or understand. For instance, most people would rather watch a video than read a full page of text as they can receive the same amount of information in less time. 

A successful digital media strategy, therefore, relies on much more than written content alone. With the worldwide web at our fingertips, people will search to see how your CBD products can fit into their lives. Your brand needs to tell a story that customers can relate to and engage with in order to actually grab their attention– instead of losing them to the infinite streams of media from the competition. 

Working with a professional photographer to capture your own products beyond product images (i.e. lifestyle images, photos of where products are sourced from, etc.) can also go a long way in enticing those potential customers to purchase your products. 

With the cannabis industry being a fairly new frontier, stock images are limited, overused, and duplicated by multiple brands. Therefore, professional photo and video shoots are essential in setting your CBD apart and creating a unique look and feel. 

Having a quality creative team for video production, editing, and optimization is another way to provide your brand with the inspiring visual assets you need to stand out in the industry and ultimately boost your bottom line. 

With these unique, eye-catching print and media assets, your brand will be able to showcase your products and services, engage your audience, and stand out from the competition.

Contact us to get started on a print/packaging project today. 


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